Thursday, June 11, 2009

SMA 4!! XD

This is my blogspot saving like about.. 20 days ago.. hahaa ;D

I'll post this along with my new entry, so enjoy!

Ok, this was supposed to be posted yesterday, but my connection died =____= Thank you so much blogspot for the autosave function ><

Hello minna :D I'm back with the English post :D

Today seems to be a boring day. First of all I'm late this morning, so I only get to download FMA 10 only. Why, oh why did Maes die? It seems so quick. It's sad really, but I think that my heart really feel wrenched when I read the manga. Then I went to my sister's show at school. She performed the Balinese dance, and really she didn't want us to watch her at the first time. But my father and grandmother keep coming to her school. I, of course must follow them. And I got my bad luck here. I wore a red shirt, and when I stepped my feet inside the school, all I see was their uniform that colored light blue. Oh, I'm soooo dead =____= And as suspected, my sister didn't like it a bit when she saw us on the guest's seat. She wore that 'why-did-you-come-even-though-I-ask-you-not-to' face. That makes a bad impression >_>

And after that I went to my lessons. Yea, I had them even when I'm on vacation =___= that sucks. I went home after one and a half hour or so. Then I playes Seal Online at home XD Finally some time to relax.. Just one more level to Level 60! XD

Next I want to the church for rehearsals. It took a long time =___= and we're just standing there like a statue. I mean, why do they call us for rehearsal when we do nothing? Fortunately I've eaten because it lasts two hours.

End of blog from what's that.. 10th of June? I forgot. I played game online too much lately, but I'm glad because of it, hahaha

SMA 4!!!!!!!!!!! I'm comiiing XD I passed my national exam nicely, although my score is a bit low than my friends in my class. They got like.. thirty eight point blank or thirty nine point blank.. I got 37.4 from 4 subjects. Still I'm happy! And today the high school announced that I'm received!! Oh what joy. I can't stop crying in front of my computer, because it's online announcement. I swear if I got this school, I won't read comics for two weeks and watch anime for 3 days. Okay, but I don't say that I can't play online games! Yay~

Okay that's all for now.. Seal is now on maintenance.. I have to wait TT

Till then.

Blue Mist

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

La Corda dah selesai!

Hai minna, saya update pake Indonesia lagi nih.. Berapa hari saya ga update coba.. Abisnya saya maen Seal mulu sih.. Tapi puas beneran dah naek levelnya maknyus XD Jangan cerita itu deh kayaknya nggak menarik. Kemaren saya nonton ulang Natsume Yuujinchou sama Kuroshitsuji.. Emang anime itu mantab-mantab semua deh! Ga bosen nontonnya.. 

BTW La Corda d'Oro dah keluar lo yang episode terakhirnya :D Kalo mau download aja di, linknya di sebelah kanan tuh :D Setelah itu kemaren, nonton lagi Boys Before Flowers.. Wah pokoknya seru deh :D

Kayaknya aku nggak bakal cerita banyak-banyak walaupun udah lama ga ngepost. :P abisnya lagi nunggu besok sih.. maunya dl La Corda ma FMA 10.. Skarang dl udah ga bisa nih.. udah leletnya ampe amit2 oTL Saya mau cerita SEAL juga ga bakal ada yang mau baca.. Jah harga rubi jatoh *lah

Okelah, segini aja dulu. Sampe ketemu kapan-kapan kalo saya niat nulis lagi yah :D

Bye :D

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Another Indonesian Post

Baiik, saya mau post dalam bahasa Indonesia hari ini :D
Kuota baru akhirnya datang XD tapi tetep aja selama 2 hari ini pake IM2 terus.. Udah gitu telat mulu lagi bangunnya.. cuman bisa browsing deh jadinya =A=
Tapi tapi.. kemaren nonton Boys Before Flower XD Mukyaaaa Kim Bum keren emang! Gek Imaa, kita sehatiii :D Kalo kalian di Indonesia, nonton aja di Indosiar tiap hari Senin jam 22.00 WIB ama hari Selasa jam 21.30 WIB. Kalo gak tahan tapi ya streaming aja kayak gek Ima ( kayaknya yang bakal ngeh cuman anak-anak sekolah kita aja deh..)

Kemaren saya jadi mendownload Hanasakeru Seishounen nomer 2 sampe 7. 8nya ga sempet udah down =3= Makasih Natcchi sudah kenalkan anime ituXD Saya ga berenti nabok pala saya sendiri (suer nih beneran) Pas liat si Rumati keluar.. MUKYAAAA matanya keren sekalii XD Birunya.. /ohnosebleed Aduh sumpah deh liat aja sendiri kalo kagak percaya XD

Ceritany hari ini saya tak bisa donlot apa-apa.. soalnya saya baru bangun jam 10, kemudian lelet lelet sampe jam setengah sebelas. Dan mulai buka netbook samapi sekarang. Kecepatannya buat ngebrowse doang sih lumayan, tapi kalo udah buat dl mah keok /ohdrink

Baik. Saya kemaren baca fanfic ero *ngaku* n gara-gara itu nemu lagunya Gackt yang judulnya Vanilla. Setelah saya baca liriknya, saya hampir tereak =A= kalo mau baca aja sendiri. Ati ati tu lagu ratenya mature oTL beneran saya ampe guling-guling mau ilangin tu lagu dari kepala
By the way.. poll closed. Terima kasih buat semua yang udah vote :D Seperti yang udah bisa diliat, pemenangnya Roy Mustang XD Itu gara-gara emang bagus ato karena banyak yang gak kenal Kanda? Saya gak tau juga

Ya udah deh, beneran selese. Papi dateng nih, ketauan udah kalo saya nyolong minjem netbook. Bye all

Blue Mist